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Wow to think half of this year has gone by! Have had so many great sporting events this year, the winter olympics, Wimbledon, World cup, Glastonbury and the tour de france (which passed through cambridge and London this year :D)

I can’t believe the winter olympics happened so long ago! I loved the British commentary from Ed Leigh and Tim Warwood from the extreme park. The presenters were hilarious; here are a few of my favourite comments by them:

“When you go to the zoo you don’t want to see the sleeping lions, you want to go see the penguins first, that’s were all the fun is”

“It’s like two doormen bearing down on a drunk patron”

“I can feel my pulse in my lower intestine”

“She’s got a face that could help bread rise”

The world cup was so crazy! So many shockers from Brazil losing 7-1 to Germany to Suarez biting a player for the third time! Even with all the controversy the games were very enjoyable and showed some great sportsmanship from some of the teams. I loved watching the underdogs do their best and I thought Australia did amazing considering they were the lowest rank.

I myself have done a lot this year hence why I have been slow to update a post. Actually the biggest thing which has taken the most time has been sorting out temporary withdrawal from my course at uni. Now with that all sorted I have the rest of the year to look to the future and focus on Ethereal Workshop.

I have a few posts prepared to update you all on the last 7 months were I will include things I’ve done, recipes I’ve perfected and my return to sewing. Also I’m going too Amsterdam in 2 months so am looking forward to that :3

Thank you to those who have followed my blog and I hope you will continue to stay with me along my journey!